Rotary Club of Keilor is sponsoring a Rotary Exchange student Irene Anderson Pett who is now in Germany.

Recent photos were taken at the Blazer Presentation for our outbound students:

Rotary Exchange students are recognised by their Rotary Youth Exchange blazer. The colour of the blazer usually depends on which country or region the exchange student is from, Australia being Green. One Rotary tradition is that students cover their blazers in pins and patches they have traded with other students or bought in places they have visited as evidence of their exchange. It is popular for the students to bring a large collection of national- or regional-themed pins and trade them with students from other areas. This tradition is popular worldwide.
We had the pleasure of District 9800 Governor Ron Payne presenting the blazers to the students.
To add to the occasion, a special presentation from PDG Grant Hocking to Barry and Vanda Mullen recognising their significant contribution to The Rotary Foundation
Our Club wishes Irene great happiness for her Rotary Exchange in Germany with her host families