The board decided on Thursday night that there will be no attempt to undertake physical meetings between now and the end of August. The current lockdown rules, and capacity concerns at Keilor Hotel following a relaxation of the lockdown rules were the catalysts for this decision.
It also means that while I offered to hold the Club charter anniversary at my home, there will only be two people here that day. Marie and me. The rest of you are not welcome. Well, not that day anyway.
On average we get 16 members at a Zoom meeting, but it would be good to try and get a few more. If technology is the concern, can I suggest the following for those suffering from technophobia.
Start at 6.45PM on a Tuesday
On your device, open your browser.
Type in, and click enter
Click or tap on “Join a meeting”
When asked for the meeting number, insert: 847 6030 7121, and enter
When asked for the password, insert: RCK3036, and enter
In you’re there.
Kinda voyeuristic. Your microphone will be off, and your camera will be off. So while we will know that you are there we will not be able to hear you, or see you.
Now, if you would like to ratchet up your level of engagement, go to the bottom left-hand corner of your screen and you will see a microphone. If it has a red line across it, your microphone is off. Tap it, or click on it, and your microphone will become live. To turn the microphone off click or tap it again. We know that you have extraordinarily important things to say, but there might be some background noise in your environment that you may not want to share.
Next to the microphone icon is an icon of an old-fashioned movie camera. If it has a red line across it, the camera is off. Click it or tap it, and your camera is on. You will be able to see what we are able to see of you and your background. That may cause you to tidy up the room in which you are in, or move to another space. There are any number of members who would be willing to act as your "buddy" for the purpose of improving your zooming skills before a Rotary meeting.